Am I having a healing crisis?

I wasn't able to make it to acupuncture this week (which would have been my fifth session) because I was in pain, my agoraphobia had gone through the roof and I felt really out of control.

Halfway Through Acupuncture

Usually, the acupuncturist does two sets of needles. Each for 15-20 minutes. This time the only thing he changed was one needle in my left arm, which he left in for 30 seconds and then removed it. Apparently that's all it needs to be in for.

Acupuncture for Anxiety and Chronic Pain

Wow. I can't believe it's taken me a while to get this blog up! Life has been a bit hectic lately. It was my mum's birthday on the 4th and she and my sister drove over from Wales and spent the week here in Sheffield. That was 2 weeks ago now! I have to admit,... Continue Reading →

Trying to Beat Agoraphobia

It took me an hour to work up the courage to leave. I'd forgotten to eat. My chest hurt. I needed a wee 84746282 times. My socks were itchy. My chest hurt. By the time I left the house it was gone 10:30.

Another Day With Endometriosis

Another sleepless night. Another day of pain. Another week started by having to cancel appointments. Not only did I have to cancel my Chinese lesson today (3rd one cancelled since August 😭), but my husband has taken the day off to look after me. My husband never takes a day off, so this makes me... Continue Reading →

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