Another Day With Endometriosis

Another sleepless night. Another day of pain. Another week started by having to cancel appointments.

Not only did I have to cancel my Chinese lesson today (3rd one cancelled since August 😭), but my husband has taken the day off to look after me. My husband never takes a day off, so this makes me feel even more guilty.

It’s also quite likely I’ll have to turn down a really good work opportunity as well. Which is making me feeling embarrassed, guilty and frustrated.

So after spending 2 hours in a scalding hot bath, and still not getting much pain relief, I’m now lying on the sofa with an ice-pack on one hip and a hot water bottle on the other.

I tried to call my doctor, but I was the 36th person in the queue. The NHS is a total mess and so many people are being really let down by it. I’m not sure how it’s acceptable to spend an entire 14 months in absolute agony, but I guess it is these days.

I am looking into acupuncture. Clearly, Western medicine doesn’t suit my body. Yet I’m still taking it in some hope that it might. It’s just all so expensive… especially when you don’t have any income.

Has anyone else has acupuncture? Did it help? I’m curious to hear stories from other people.

I’m signing off to try to get some more sleep.

Take care everyone x

3 thoughts on “Another Day With Endometriosis

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  1. Take care Claire ❤️‍🩹 my sister has endometriosis too, I have seen how terrible it is to go through that sh*t… Hope you can have some rest from that!! And don’t feel guilty. You deserve to be taken care of

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